
Business breakfast: The trend of ERP migration to the Cloud

Business breakfast: The trend of ERP migration to the Cloud

4. 10. 2022 - CUT

V Parku 12148 00, Česká republika

Training date: 4 October 2022

Time: 9:00 – 11:00

Form of training: online and in person

Venue: Microsof Teams and BDO, V Parku 12, Praha 11, 148 00


In cooperation with Amazon Web Services and Infor, we have prepared a Business Breakfast on the topic of current IT trends. Together, we will discuss the benefits and pitfalls of putting ERP systems in the cloud.  We will present solutions to minimise the risks of cloud solutions, how to address the main concerns of management, and how to ensure the security and agility of the software. We will summarise what factors not to forget when making a decision and what criteria to consider when selecting ERP in the Cloud.

Many companies today are addressing the question of the future of their ERP. Should they stay with their current platform without major changes? When upgrading an existing ERP, review and change processes and embark on a more costly and challenging re-implementation? Or consider replacing the existing platform because it is more interesting, and industry-appropriate, ERP systems have emerged in the market over the past 20 years? What about ERP in the cloud? Does it have its pros or are the cons outweighing it?

During the covid-19 pandemic, the trend of migrating information systems to the Cloud accelerated. ERP software that manages corporate finance, supply chain, operations, sales, reporting, manufacturing, human resources and other corporate areas are no exception. In this workshop, we will focus on how ERP migration to the Cloud is done, for which companies migration is suitable, what are the benefits, risks of migration and subsequent Cloud operation and how to eliminate potential risks.

The first session of the workshop will be led by David Zeman from Infor, who will focus on the motivations, criteria and challenges associated with selecting ERP software. He will also present the Infor CloudSuites solution, its cost and process simplification benefits, and describe how to minimise the risks of a cloud solution and how to address the top concerns of CFOs and IT people.

The second session of the workshop will feature Tibor Kolejak from AWS, who will focus on the evolution of Cloud computing from the AWS perspective. He will present the current products and services offered by AWS and focus on cost, agility, flexibility and security of cloud services in the context of ERP.

The final third session will feature Tomas Kubíček from BDO, who will describe what should companies consider before deciding on their future ERP, what options they have today, what criteria to consider when making a selection, and what the future trend of Cloud in ERP is.


Content of the lecture:

  • Current trends
  • Motivations, criteria and issues related to ERP software selection
  • Cost, benefits in process simplification
  • Minimising risk and responding to management concerns
  • Cost-effectiveness, agility, flexibility and security
  • System selection criteria
  • The future of Cloud ERP
  • Discussion


Who the training is for: CFOs, chief accountants, CIOs, controllers, for all those who deal with the future of ERP in the company



  • Tomáš Kubíček, Partner BDO
  • Tibor Kolejak, Country Leader Amazon Web Services
  • David Zeman, Sales Manager SEE Infor


Price: free


The event will be held in Czech. Should you have any questions about the organisation of the event do not hesitate to ask Alexandra Torra at


Registration: Register for the seminar via the online form by clicking on the "register" button or email us at