
Data analytics in finance

Data analytics in finance

18. 5. 2022 - CUT

V Parku 12148 00, Česká republika

Training date: 18 May 2022

Time: 9:00 - 10:30

Form of training: online and in person

Venue: Microsoft Teams and BDO Consulting s.r.o., V Parku 12, Prague 11, 148 00  


Today's Business Intelligence tools are widely used in corporate finance. Their deployment, if the corporate data is in order, has high added value for finance staff, management and other consumers of reports throughout the company.

We invite you to a training session where we will show you how to effectively deal with the huge amount of data that every larger company has today. We will describe common shortcomings and mistakes that prevent the full use of Business Intelligence tools.

We will focus on possible solutions to create automated reporting and overview dashboards for top management without large investments. We will present ways to centralise data handling so that there are no multiple data variations and to always have only up-to-date data.

At the workshop we will draw on our real-life experience. We will demonstrate with examples how to properly manage business data and how to create concise outputs consisting of key indicators that are easy to understand.


Content of the lecture:

  • Introduction to Business Intelligence tools
  • Example of building a working data warehouse
  • Examples of dashboards and automated reports
  • Benefits of data analytics using finance data
  • Discussion


Who the training is for:

  • The training is intended for managers: economic and financial directors, chief accountants, controlling and reporting staff, heads of sales and purchasing departments.




Price: Free

Registration: Register for the seminar via the online form by clicking on the "register" button or email us at


The event will be held in Czech. Should you have any questions about the organisation of the event do not hesitate to ask Alexandra Torra at